/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.preferences; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.ibm.icu.text.MessageFormat; import org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.AntUIPlugin; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ModifyEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ModifyListener; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogPage; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferencePage; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; public abstract class AbstractAntEditorPreferencePage extends PreferencePage implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage { private OverlayPreferenceStore fOverlayStore; protected List<IStatus> fStatusList; private boolean fInitialized = false; private Map<Button, String> fCheckBoxes = new HashMap<>(); private SelectionListener fCheckBoxListener = new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { // do nothing } @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { Button button = (Button) e.widget; fOverlayStore.setValue(fCheckBoxes.get(button), button.getSelection()); } }; private Map<Text, String> fTextFields = new HashMap<>(); private ModifyListener fTextFieldListener = new ModifyListener() { @Override public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { if (fInitialized) { Text text = (Text) e.widget; fOverlayStore.setValue(fTextFields.get(text), text.getText()); } } }; private Map<Text, String[]> fNumberFields = new HashMap<>(); private ModifyListener fNumberFieldListener = new ModifyListener() { @Override public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { if (fInitialized) { numberFieldChanged((Text) e.widget); } } }; public AbstractAntEditorPreferencePage() { super(); setPreferenceStore(AntUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore()); fOverlayStore = createOverlayStore(); } protected abstract OverlayPreferenceStore createOverlayStore(); /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferencePage#init(org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench) */ @Override public void init(IWorkbench workbench) { // do nothing } /* * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage#createControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite) */ @Override public void createControl(Composite parent) { super.createControl(parent); PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp(getControl(), getHelpContextId()); } abstract protected String getHelpContextId(); protected void initializeFields() { Map<Button, String> checkBoxes = getCheckBoxes(); Map<Text, String> textFields = getTextFields(); for (Button b : checkBoxes.keySet()) { String key = checkBoxes.get(b); b.setSelection(getOverlayStore().getBoolean(key)); } for (Text t : textFields.keySet()) { String key = textFields.get(t); t.setText(getOverlayStore().getString(key)); } fInitialized = true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferencePage#performOk() */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public boolean performOk() { getOverlayStore().propagate(); AntUIPlugin.getDefault().savePluginPreferences(); return true; } protected OverlayPreferenceStore getOverlayStore() { return fOverlayStore; } protected OverlayPreferenceStore setOverlayStore() { return fOverlayStore; } protected Map<Button, String> getCheckBoxes() { return fCheckBoxes; } protected Map<Text, String> getTextFields() { return fTextFields; } protected Map<Text, String[]> getNumberFields() { return fNumberFields; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage#performDefaults() */ @Override protected void performDefaults() { getOverlayStore().loadDefaults(); initializeFields(); handleDefaults(); super.performDefaults(); } protected abstract void handleDefaults(); /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage#dispose() */ @Override public void dispose() { if (getOverlayStore() != null) { getOverlayStore().stop(); fOverlayStore = null; } super.dispose(); } protected Button addCheckBox(Composite parent, String labelText, String key, int indentation) { Button checkBox = new Button(parent, SWT.CHECK); checkBox.setText(labelText); checkBox.setFont(parent.getFont()); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING); gd.horizontalIndent = indentation; gd.horizontalSpan = 2; checkBox.setLayoutData(gd); checkBox.addSelectionListener(fCheckBoxListener); getCheckBoxes().put(checkBox, key); return checkBox; } protected Text addTextField(Composite composite, String labelText, String key, int textLimit, int indentation, String[] errorMessages) { Font font = composite.getFont(); Label label = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); label.setText(labelText); label.setFont(font); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING); gd.horizontalIndent = indentation; label.setLayoutData(gd); Text textControl = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.SINGLE); textControl.setFont(font); gd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING); gd.widthHint = convertWidthInCharsToPixels(textLimit + 1); textControl.setLayoutData(gd); textControl.setTextLimit(textLimit); getTextFields().put(textControl, key); if (errorMessages != null) { getNumberFields().put(textControl, errorMessages); textControl.addModifyListener(fNumberFieldListener); } else { textControl.addModifyListener(fTextFieldListener); } return textControl; } private void numberFieldChanged(Text textControl) { String number = textControl.getText(); IStatus status = validatePositiveNumber(number, getNumberFields().get(textControl)); if (!status.matches(IStatus.ERROR)) { getOverlayStore().setValue(getTextFields().get(textControl), number); } updateStatus(status); } private IStatus validatePositiveNumber(String number, String[] errorMessages) { StatusInfo status = new StatusInfo(); if (number.length() == 0) { status.setError(errorMessages[0]); } else { try { int value = Integer.parseInt(number); if (value < 0) status.setError(MessageFormat.format(errorMessages[1], new Object[] { number })); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { status.setError(MessageFormat.format(errorMessages[1], new Object[] { number })); } } return status; } protected void updateStatus(IStatus status) { if (!status.matches(IStatus.ERROR)) { for (Text text : getNumberFields().keySet()) { IStatus s = validatePositiveNumber(text.getText(), getNumberFields().get(text)); status = s.getSeverity() > status.getSeverity() ? s : status; } } List<IStatus> statusList = getStatusList(); if (statusList != null) { List<IStatus> temp = new ArrayList<>(statusList.size() + 1); temp.add(status); temp.addAll(statusList); status = getMostSevere(temp); } setValid(!status.matches(IStatus.ERROR)); applyToStatusLine(this, status); } protected List<IStatus> getStatusList() { return fStatusList; } /** * Finds the most severe status from an array of status. An error is more severe than a warning, and a warning is more severe than OK. */ private IStatus getMostSevere(List<IStatus> statusList) { IStatus max = null; for (int i = 0; i < statusList.size(); i++) { IStatus curr = statusList.get(i); if (curr.matches(IStatus.ERROR)) { return curr; } if (max == null || curr.getSeverity() > max.getSeverity()) { max = curr; } } return max; } /* * Applies the status to the status line of a dialog page. */ private void applyToStatusLine(DialogPage page, IStatus status) { String message = status.getMessage(); switch (status.getSeverity()) { case IStatus.OK: page.setMessage(message, IMessageProvider.NONE); page.setErrorMessage(null); break; case IStatus.WARNING: page.setMessage(message, IMessageProvider.WARNING); page.setErrorMessage(null); break; case IStatus.INFO: page.setMessage(message, IMessageProvider.INFORMATION); page.setErrorMessage(null); break; default: if (message.length() == 0) { message = null; } page.setMessage(null); page.setErrorMessage(message); break; } } /** * Returns an array of size 2: - first element is of type <code>Label</code> - second element is of type <code>Text</code> Use * <code>getLabelControl</code> and <code>getTextControl</code> to get the 2 controls. */ protected Control[] addLabelledTextField(Composite composite, String label, String key, int textLimit, int indentation, String[] errorMessages) { Label labelControl = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); labelControl.setText(label); labelControl.setFont(composite.getFont()); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING); gd.horizontalIndent = indentation; labelControl.setLayoutData(gd); Text textControl = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.SINGLE); gd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING); if (textLimit > -1) { gd.widthHint = convertWidthInCharsToPixels(textLimit + 1); textControl.setTextLimit(textLimit); } else { gd.widthHint = convertWidthInCharsToPixels(50); } textControl.setLayoutData(gd); textControl.setFont(composite.getFont()); fTextFields.put(textControl, key); if (errorMessages != null) { fNumberFields.put(textControl, errorMessages); textControl.addModifyListener(fNumberFieldListener); } else { textControl.addModifyListener(fTextFieldListener); } return new Control[] { labelControl, textControl }; } protected String loadPreviewContentFromFile(String filename) { String line; String separator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(512); BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename))); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { buffer.append(line); buffer.append(separator); } } catch (IOException io) { AntUIPlugin.log(io); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing } } } return buffer.toString(); } protected Label getLabelControl(Control[] labelledTextField) { return (Label) labelledTextField[0]; } protected Text getTextControl(Control[] labelledTextField) { return (Text) labelledTextField[1]; } }